
Motivated by recent observations of distinct parallel and perpendicular signatures in magnetic helicity measurements segregated by wave period and angle between the local magnetic field and the solar wind velocity, this paper undertakes a comparison of three intervals of \emph{Ulysses} data with synthetic time series generated from a physically motivated turbulence model. From these comparisons, it is hypothesized that the observed signatures result from a perpendicular cascade of \Alfvenic fluctuations and a local, non-turbulent population of ion cyclotron or whistler waves generated by temperature anisotropy instabilities. By constraining the model's free parameters through comparison to \emph{in situ} data, it is found that, on average, $ \sim 95\%$ of the power near dissipative scales is contained in a perpendicular \Alfvenic cascade and that the parallel fluctuations are propagating nearly unidirectionally. The effects of aliasing on magnetic helicity measurements are considered and shown to be significant near the Nyquist frequency.

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