
The present study has started with the background of the research on the physical health issue of the online learning system and its impact on the growth of children. The purpose of the research with its aims and objectives is present. The entire method of the research is also described in this study. In the part of the results, three themes have been developed based on the objectives of the study and then those are discussed. This study has discussed the negative aspect of the effectiveness of online education. The present study also has given a discussion regarding the physical health issues of the students for online education. A brief overview regarding the impact of e-learning processes that can affect various sectors of a student's life has been illustrated. Important factors such as technical knowledge, economic capability, technical issues and other aspects have been discussed in a proper manner which is relevant to the process of online learning. An overall discussion regarding the findings has also been portrayed that is meant to provide a summarized view of the research findings. The overall idea and concepts on which the entire study is based have also been included in a brief manner. Keyword :Covid-19, Eyesight Issue, Online Learning, Personal Development, Physical Issue, Student Engagement.

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