
Introduction: Low Birth Weight (LBW) is a commonly encountered problem in developing countries. Growth is the single most important predictor of morbidity and mortality in a LBW infant. LBW babies show a pattern of growth, different from normal weighing babies. Aim: To assess the growth pattern of LBW infants in first six months of life. Materials and Methods: This prospective cohort study was done in Department of Paediatrics, of Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, a tertiary care hospital in Southern India, from September 2019 to August 2020. Total 310 LBW infants, of which 200 were term and rest preterm were included and followed-up at the ages of three and six months. Clinical details including gender, gestational age, order of birth, length of stay in nursery, maternal and neonatal morbidities, type of feeding and intercurrent illness were noted. The weight, length and head circumference of the infants were measured by standard methods and interpreted using appropriate charts. The anthropometric measures were converted into z-score and compared. The outcome variables were statistically analysed using Chi-square test. Results: Out of 310 babies, 172 (55.5%) were girls and 200 (64.5%) were term babies. Six month follow-up rate was 92%. A total of 228 (79%) infants were on exclusive breastfeeding while the remaining 21% were partially breastfed. The prevalence (95% confidence interval) of undernutrition, short stature and microcephaly at six months were 54.9% (48.93-60.76), 62.2% (56.34-67.88) and 30.7% (25.47-36.47), respectively. Fall in standard deviation score of length, weight and head circumference was observed which was more pronounced in preterm than in term infants (p<0.05). Conclusion: Growth faltering is commonly encountered in more than half of LBW infants on six months follow-up, with the effect being more pronounced in preterm more than term infants.

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