
Effluents discharged into water bodies have high health implications to human and his livestock. The study was carried out in Kakuri, Sabo and Kawo abattoirs located in Kaduna south, Chikun and Kaduna north local government area of Kaduna State, covering major part of Kaduna metropolis, this cover about 1,039,578 population. Kaduna metropolis is the administrative capital of Kaduna State, Nigeria. It is located between latitudes 90°E 3′ and 11°32′ North of the equator and longitudes 6°05′ and 8°38′ East of the Greenwich meridian [1]. Samples were taken for a period of seven months from February to September 2019, Three hundred water samples were analyzed for physico-chemical parameters using the different APHA techniques. The result obtained are lower values of chlorine at means value of 15.20mg/L; calcium means of 62.23mg/L; magnesium mean of 11.80mg/L; sulphate means of 12.90mg/L and poor electrical conductivities means of 250us/cm in the three sites of collection. While higher value of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxidation Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Biochemical Oxidation Demand (BOD), turbidity, and nitrate showed high concentration means of 300mg/L at each level of the site collected samples. The water sample obtained from the three abattoirs were observed to have high threat to both terrestrials and aquatic organisms as well as to human being in general due to the concentration value. Wastewater should be treated before discharging into the floating water, because this effluence content a lot of harmful component.

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