
Effective therapy for patients with chronic cardiac failure (CCF) entails significant lifestyle modifications as well as often complex pharmaceutical regimes to alleviate symptoms, which, however, do not actually cure many patients. The gradual loss of cardiac function is impeded but not halted by such complicated pharmacological therapy, which primarily includes angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta-blockers and diuretics, and sometimes digoxin, aspirin, warfarin, and anti-arrhythmic agents. Patients may be advised to track their weight and modify their diuretic prescription accordingly to avoid fluid overload or dehydration as part of the treatment plan. Non-pharmacologic treatment options are routinely integrated to improve the management of somatic complaints. Yoga and specialized breathing exercises seem to help CCF patients improve their cardiorespiratory and autonomic system function, and also their quality of life. We present the evidence.

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