
Thornscrubs are a vegetation type from Northeast Mexico, consisting of 60 to 80 tree and shrub species that are used for a wide range of constructive, decorative and energy purposes. However, basic research of the physical and mechanical wood properties are still needed to establish additional uses and, thereby, increase their value in the timber industry. In this research, wood from fourteen native species were studied with regard to their basic density (BD), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and modulus of rupture (MOR), as well as the relationships between these three properties. Results showed that the BD range was 0.48 g cm-3 ± 0.06 to 0.93 g cm-3 ± 0.07, the lowest being for Leucaena leucocephala and the highest for Condalia hookeri. MOE range was 6.42 GPa ± 1.23 to 15.13 GPa ± 2.72, corresponding to Diospyros texana and Acacia schaffneri respectively. MOR range was 101 MPa ± 16 to 207 MPa ± 33 for Parkinsonia texana and Acacia schaffneri respectively. Correlations between BD and MOE, BD and MOR, and MOE and MOR were as follows: r = 0.67, r = 0.64 and r = 0.87 respectively. Values of modulus elasticity and rupture of studied species make them a promising general utility wood that can be recommended for a variety of structural and non-structural uses.

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