
The paper presents the results of the influence on shrinkage deformations of the adopted composition during the drying and firing of ceramic bricks made using rice husk and ash of the combined heat and power plant of the city of Kyzylorda of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The optimal values of the husk additives content and ash from thermal power plants in the studied compositions were determined. Ash dumps from thermal power plants (TPP) create environmental tension and pose a great threat to both the environment and human health. It was found that the hydro-removal ash from the thermal power plant mainly consists of oxides of silica (45.45…46.37 %) and alumina (16.62…17.70 %), there are oxides of calcium (1.66…2.20 %), magnesium (0.86…1.12 %), iron (2.98…3.41 %) and alkali metals (0.80…1.04 %). The composition of ceramic bricks based on loess-like loam, rice husks, and ash from thermal power plants was studied. The charge composition of the raw components of the “clay, TPP ash, and rice husk” brick: clay is 71…75 %, TPP ash is 18…22 %, and rice husk is 2…6 % of the total mass of the components of the raw mixture of ceramic bricks. The compressive strength of fired ceramic bricks was 11…12 MPa. According to the results of experimental studies, it was found that the increased concentration of rice husks in natural mixtures is characterized by a stable increase in ceramic mass drying cracks. The increase in time until the appearance of drying cracks is 100 up to 160 sec. The resulting ceramic brick in accordance with the developed composition has a low weight, good thermal properties and meets the standard requirements for ceramic bricks according to GOST 530-2012

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