
Physical measurements, proximate composition and contents of vitamin C, β-carotene, tannins, sugars and mineral elements were determined for three Saudi date cultivars (Barni, Ruzeiz and Sifri) at different stages of development. Maximum weight of the fruits and seeds, as well as lengths and diameters of the fruits, were observed during the early developmental stages and minimum values were found in the ripe (Tamr) stage. Similarly, fruits of the three cultivars contained the maximum moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash, tannins, vitamin A and C in the early developmental stages, and minimum amounts in the Tamr stage. On the other hand, total sugar and reducing sugar contents increased progressively as the fruits matured. Sucrose contents became highest in the mature colour Khalal stage and then decreased to the lowest levels in the Tamr stage. Reducing sugars were the dominant sugars throughout the ripening process and more so at the ripe stage suggesting that the three cultivars of dates under investigation were of the soft date type. Among the mineral elements, K was detected in high concentration compared to Na, Ca, Mg, P, Fe and Cu, which were present in nutritionally significant amounts. Zn was present in low amounts. Mn was present in traces and F was not detected at any stage of development. All the minerals decreased with maturation of the fruits.

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