
Promotion of physical activity has been a public health priority for decades. Over two million home healthcare nurses are at the front line to deliver effective health education and health promotion interventions in the United States. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine the effectiveness of nurse-delivered lifestyle physical interventions on physical activity outcomes conducted in home settings. Computerized database and ancestry search strategies located distinct intervention trials between 1990 and 2015. A total of eight quantitative studies were reviewed. Four of the eight studies were randomized control trials and four studies used an uncontrolled pretest-posttest design. The eight studies represented a total of 1,221 participants with mean ages from 43 to 81. Study sample sizes ranged from 16 to 504. Seven of the eight studies demonstrated modest effect of nurse-delivered home-based interventions on physical activity behaviors. Home-based physical activity promotion was most often incorporated into secondary prevention of postacute diseases, chronic disease management, or disease prevention/health promotion. Findings indicate that nurse-delivered home-based physical activity promotion show overall effectiveness in general adult populations. Possible effective intervention domains were also discussed in this review to guide future home-based health promotion. More large randomized controlled trials with longer study/follow-up periods and studies with cost-effectiveness data are warranted in future research.

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