
BACKGROUND: The Norwegian Directorate of Health recommends that children between 3 to 5 years accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily. However, knowledge about physical activity levels in preschoolers is limited. PURPOSE: To compare physical activity levels in kindergarten preschool during summer and winter in children aged 3-5 years. METHODS: From Monday to Wednesday, physical activity levels were monitored using the Actigraph GT3X between 07.30 am and 4.30 pm. (n= 81; 4… yrs). Physical activity levels were measured twice, in February (n= 81; 4.45 ±0.86 years), (n= 71; 4…yrs) and in June. June (n= 71; 4.75± 0.89 years). The primary physical activity outcome was time spent at different activity intensities. We defined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) as all activity above 2000 counts/min. As used previously (Ekelund et al., 2004). RESULTS: During the winter period, 64 % of the children reached MVPA the recommendations of 60 minutes physical activity daily, whereas 29% was in MVPA betweenphysically active 30-59 minutes per day, and 6% were in MVPAactive <29 minutes. During the summer period less children reached MVPA, physical activity were lower, as 50 % reaches MVPAwere active > 60 minutes per day, while 39% were activereached MVPA between 30-59 minutesmin per day, and 11% was in MVPA less thanwere active <29 minutes. In total for bout periods the boys spent significantly more time in MVPA, (84.11 minutes ± 37.97) compared to girls (63.46 minutes ± 31,39) (p<0.001). In the winter, 65.8% of the boys met the recommendations, and the percentage was reduced to 58% in the summer. For girls, the respective numbers were 34 % and 41%. Boys were significantly ( ) more active than girls ( ) in both periods. CONCLUSION: More than 2/3 of preschoolers do not reach the recommendations of 60 minutes moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. More children in preschool reached the recommendations of MVPA above 60 minutes in the winter, compared with the summer period.

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