
The influence of pregnancy on physical activity (PA) patterns is poorly understood. Much of the research on this topic has involved the use of physical activity questionnaires. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to compare the MTI accelerometer to total weekly energy expenditure estimated from Blair's 7-day physical activity recall interview (PAR) and a 7-day physical activity record (PAD). A sample of pregnant (PW) and non-pregnant women (NPW) participated in a 7-month longitudinal field study. METHODS PW (n=12) were recruited at the end of their first trimester (baseline age = 29.8±4.2 yr. & weight = 68.9±11.9 kg). NPW controls (n=12) matched to the PW on race, age, and first trimester gestational weight also were recruited (baseline age = 30.7±4.4 yr. & weight = 66.5±13.5 kg). Once per month, for seven consecutive months, each participant completed the 7-day PAD at home, the PAR at the laboratory and wore the MTI for three days (three-day mean of the daily average counts per minute).A three-factor mixed model ANOVA was used to analyze the data (2 Groups [PW vs. NPW] × 2 Measures [MTI vs. PAR or PAD] × 7 Times across pregnancy).FigureRESULTS PW wore the monitors for an average of 14.1 hours each day across trials (group mean range 13.6 to 14.5) and the NPW for 15.1 hours (range of 14.6 to 16). The interaction and the main effect for Group were not statistically significant. However, the main effect for Time was significant (F = 2.51; df = 4.6, 101.0; p = .039; η2 = .10). Counts decreased by 23% in PW and 5% in NPW between weeks 12 and 36. PAD and PAR were not sensitive to these changes. The correlations between the MTI and PAD were positive and moderate (PW: r=.41; NPW: r=.50), but smaller between the accelerometer and PAR (PW: r = .23; NPW: r = .30). CONCLUSION The results of this study provide some evidence for the validity of the MTI accelerometer as a measure of physical activity among pregnant women. Supported by a grant from the University of Georgia's College of Education

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