
Abstract Phymatolithon lusitanicum is a new maerl species described based on an integrative systematic approach including molecular (COI-5P, psbA) and morphological data obtained from recent collections, as well as comparison of type material from the morphologically and ecologically alike NE Atlantic species P. lamii and P. laevigatum. Molecular analyses including type material of P. lamii and P. laevigatum were congruent in delimiting P. lusitanicum as an independent lineage from these crustose species. The three species shared a common external morphology of multiporate asexual conceptacles, but P. lusitanicum has been detected only unattached as maerl while P. lamii and P. laevigatum are crustose. Phymatolithon lusitanicum is particularly abundant in subtidal maerl beds of the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula (Galicia and the Algarve); however it has also been detected northwards in Ireland intertidally and in Western Mediterranean Sea (Alboran Sea, Balearic Islands) down to 64 m. Phymatolithon lusitanicum ...

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