
The Hengduan Mountains is the core of the Sino-Himalayan Floristic Region. Different views have been postulated from phylogeographic studies in understanding the historical biological events shaping present-day distributions and species diversities in this area. We analyzed the phylogeography of Rosa soulieana, a widely distributed rose species in dry and semi-dry valleys of the Hengduan Mountains of southwestern China using two cpDNA intergenic spacers. 9 cpDNA haplotypes were confirmed in 650 individuals from 39 populations, with the most dominant one existing in 36 populations. The relationship among the cpDNA haplotypes did not reflect the morphology-based intra-specific taxonomy of different varieties. There was very low cpDNA genetic diversity and relatively high population differentiation combined with lack of phylogeographic structure. The populations from Northwestern Yunnan, Southeastern Tibet and upper Yalongjiang River embraced most of the species genetic diversity, but with contribution of different historical effects. Northwestern Yunnan and upper Yalongjiang River appear to be the species refugia and centers of adaptive diversification, while Southeastern Tibet rather represents the species ‘melting pot’ in the Quaternary climate oscillations.

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