
A phylogenetic analysis of 25 species, representing eight genera of theRubieae tribe (Rubiaceae), has been made using the DNA sequence of the chloroplastatp B-rbc L intergene region. Six tropical genera from other tribes ofRubiaceae have been used as outgroups. Whatever the method of analysis (distance, parsimony or maximum likelihood), five groups are clearly separated and described as informal clades. Their relative relationships are not clearly resolved by the parsimony analysis, resulting in eight equally parsimonious trees, 327 steps long, with a consistency index (CI) of 0.749 (excluding uninformative sites). TheRubieae tribe appears monophyletic from the data available. Some new and partly unexpected phylogenetic relationships are suggested. The genusRubia forms a separate clade and appears to be the relatively advanced sister group of the remaining taxa. TheSherardia clade also includes the generaCrucianella andPhuopsis. Galium sect.Aparinoides appears closely attached to theAsperula sect.Glabella clade. The remaining taxa ofGalium are paraphyletic:Galium sect.Platygalium (in theCruciata clade) is linked to the advanced generaCruciata andValantia; the more apomorphic groups ofGalium form theGalium sect.Galium clade, including the perennial sectionsGalium, Leiogalium, andLeptogalium as well as the annual (and possibly polyphyletic) sect.Kolgyda.

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