
The streptophytes comprise the Charophyceae sensu Mattox and Stewart (a morphologically diverse group of fresh‐water green algae) and the embryophytes (land plants). Several charophycean groups are currently recognized. These include the Charales, Coleochaetales, Chlorokybales, Klebsormidiales and Zygnemophyceae (Desmidiales and Zygnematales). Recently, SSU rRNA gene sequence data allied Mesostigma viride (Prasinophyceae) with the Streptophyta. Complete chloroplast sequence data, however, placed Mesostigma sister to all green algae, not with the streptophytes. Several morphological, ultrastructural and biochemical features unite these lineages into a monophyletic group including embryophytes, but evolutionary relationships among the basal streptophytes remain ambiguous. To date, numerous studies using SSU rRNA gene sequences have yielded differing phylogenies with varying degrees of support dependent upon taxon sampling and choice of phylogenetic method. Like SSU data, chloroplast DNA sequence data have been used to examine relationships within the Charales, Coleochaetales, Zygnemophyceae and embryophytes. Representatives of all basal streptophyte lineages have not been examined using chloroplast data in a single analysis. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using DNA sequences of rbcL (the genes encoding the large subunit of rubisco) and atpB (the beta‐subunit of ATPase) to examine relationships of basal streptophyte lineages. Preliminary analyses placed the branch leading to Mesostigma as the basal lineage in the Streptophyta with Chlorokybus, the sole representative of the Chlorokybales, branching next. Klebsormidiales and the enigmatic genus Entransia were sister taxa. Sister to these, the Charales, Coleochaetales, embryophytes and Zygnemophyceae formed a monophyletic group with Charales and Coleochaetales sister to each other and this clade sister to the embryophytes.

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