
The order Rodentia includes nearly half of all living mammalian species. Phylogenetic relationships among 22 species of rodents were investigated by use of a 1.2-kb region from exon 1 of the single-copy nuclear gene IRBP. IRBP has been extensively used for study of interordinal phylogeny in mammals, which allowed inclusion of 50 outgroup species, representing every eutherian order plus seven marsupials. Several clades were strongly supported, regardless of analytical method or inclusion/exclusion of data. These include a monophyletic Muroidea, with a clade including Spalax and Rhizomys as the first divergence; a clade uniting Zapus with Dipus, but excluding Sicista; a monophyletic Myodonta (Muroidea plus Dipodidae); and a clade including Aplodontidae as sister to Sciuridae. One bipartition, separating Hystricognathi and Geomyoidea from the remaining rodents, is strongly supported in all analyses that include third-position sites but almost completely absent from analyses that exclude third-position sites. A combination of nonstationary nucleotide composition and branch length effects may be causing all methods examined (including those using the LogDet distance) to support an incorrect conclusion when third-position sites are analyzed together with first- and second-position sites.

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