
Supplementary files:<br />Fig. S1. Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Acetabulum clade inferred from the Dataset II (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.<br />Fig. S2. Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Crispa clade inferred from the Dataset III (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.<br />Fig. S3. Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Elastica clade inferred from the Dataset IV (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.<br />Fig. S4. Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Lacunosa clade inferred from the Dataset V (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.Table S1. Specimens used in the five combined loci (ITS/nrLSU/tef1-α/rpb2/hsp) phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.<br />Table S2. Specimens used in the two combined loci (ITS/nrLSU) phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.<br />Table S3. Specimens used in Acetabulum clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.<br />Table S4. Specimens used in Crispa clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.<br />Table S5. Specimens used in Elastica clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.<br />Table S6. Specimens used in Lacunosa clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.<br />Table S7. The list of Helvella species confirmed in China.

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