
Despite the economic, ecological, and scientific importance of the genera Salix L. (willows) and Populus L. (poplars, cottonwoods, and aspens) Salicaceae, we know little about the sources of differences in species diversity between the genera and of the phylogenetic conflict that often confounds estimating phylogenetic trees. Salix subgenera and sections, in particular, have been difficult to classify, with one recent attempt termed a "spectacular failure" due to a speculated radiation of the subgenera Vetrix and Chamaetia. Here, we use targeted sequence capture to understand the evolutionary history of this portion of the Salicaceae plant family. Our phylogenetic hypothesis was based on 787 gene regions and identified extensive phylogenetic conflict among genes. Our analysis supported some previously described subgeneric relationships and confirmed the polyphyly of others. Using an fbranch analysis, we identified several cases of hybridization in deep branches of the phylogeny, which likely contributed to discordance among gene trees. In addition, we identified a rapid increase in diversification rate near the origination of the Vetrix-Chamaetia clade in Salix. This region of the tree coincided with several nodes that lacked strong statistical support, indicating a possible increase in incomplete lineage sorting due to rapid diversification. The extraordinary level of both recent and ancient hybridization in both Salix and Populus have played important roles in the diversification and diversity in these two genera.

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