
We sequenced the trnL and rpl16 introns of the chloroplast DNA from 95 of the ca. 425 species (30 of 37 sections, seven of eight subgenera) of Primula L. in order to reconstruct the phylogenetic history of the group. Among the 24 additional taxa sampled are representatives of all genera that are likely to be embedded in Primula, as well as outgroups from the Maesaceae, Theophrastaceae, and Myrsinaceae. In the strict consensus of the most parsimonious trees, Primula and the genera embedded in it (Dionysia Fenzl., Sredinskya [Stein] Fedorov, Dodecatheon L., and Cortusa L.) are sister to a clade of several genera previously suspected to be embedded in Primula (Hottonia L., Omphalogramma [Franchet] Franch., and Soldanella L.). In recognition of this, two new rankless names are defined for these clades (/Primula and /Soldanella). Close relationships are inferred between Dionysia and Primula subgenus Sphondylia (Duby) Rupr., Sredinskya and Primula subgenus Primula, Dodecatheon and Primula subgenus Auriculastrum...

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