
The phylogenetic relationships of 60 accessions of the genus Hordeum (29 Mediterranean and 20 middle-Asian wild accessions, together with nine American accessions and two of unknown origin), representing together nine species, were investigated by AFLP markers. Three hundred sixty six AFLP fragments were used for studying the molecular genetic diversity among the studied species, 339 out of them were polymorphic. Forty seven protein bands were obtained from the water soluble and the water insoluble seed storage protein by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of 18 accessions representing nine species (two accessions/species). One band was common to all species and the other 46 bands were polymorphic. The phylogenetic tree deduced from AFLP analysis is concordant to a large extent with that deduced from seed storage protein. Highly significant cophenetic correlation coefficient was obtained between both AFLP (0.96) and seed storage protein (0.89) indicating the reliability of the results. The studied taxa were clustered according to their genome type. All Mediterranean and middle-Asian wild accessions could be integrated into the existing phylogenetic scheme.

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