
To isolate, screen and identify the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from elephant silage during the process of the fermentation and their effects on the fermentation quality of sweet sorghum silage. The isolated strains were identified based on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics as well as 16S rRNA analysis. Seven LAB strains were isolated from elephant grass silage. Three strains (Pediococcus acidilactici (AZZ1), Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum (AZZ4), L. plantarum subsp. argentoratensis (AZZ7) and one commercial bacteria L. plantarum, ecosyl MTD/1(CB)) were chosen as additives at 6 log colony forming units per gram of fresh sweet sorghum grass in laboratory silos (680g). Silos for each treatment were opened after 5, 7, 14, 30 and 60days, respectively. All isolates were characterized as Gram-positive, catalase-negative and grow normally in 6·5% NaCl. The strains AZZ1, AZZ2 and AZZ5, were identified as Pediococcus genus while AZZ3, AZZ4, AZZ6 and AZZ7 were Lactobacillus genus. Compared to the control, all the isolates improved the silage quality of sweet sorghum silage, indicated by significantly (P<0·05) lower pH and ammonia-nitrogen contents and undesirable micro-organism counts, and higher lactic acid (LA) contents and ratios of lactic acid/acetic acid. During ensiling, AZZ4 performed better among all of inoculants, indicated by significantly (P<0·05) decreased on pH and ammonia-N contents and higher increased on LA contents. Strain AZZ4 is recommended as starter culture for sweet sorghum. This is the first time to investigate the effects of LAB isolates from elephant grass silage and use them as additives, which is to find out how LAB inoculants improve the fermentation quality of sweet sorghum silage.

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