
The vast majority of lichenicolous fungi are relatively host-specific, nonvirulent ascomycetes and heterobasidiomycetes. A few known lichenicolous homobasidiomycetes (mushroom-forming fungi) generally exhibit broad host ecologies and in some cases, high virulence. Many produce conspicuous sclerotia or bulbils, thought to be adaptive in dispersal and survival. To more clearly understand the evolution of these atypical behaviors in lichenicolous basidiomycetes, we isolated or acquired specimens or cultures of 23 lichenicolous homobasidiomycetes and their relatives, from which we obtained mainly nuclear and some mitochondrial rDNA sequences. Phylogenetic analyses in this study indicate that a lichenicolous habit arose in four major clades. In two of these clades the habit represents a major evolutionary theme linked to the origin of well-known basidiolichens. The phylogenetic diversity of these fungi indicates that the lichenicolous habit arose recently and independently in the mushroom-forming fungi.

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