
Entomopathogens and other econutritional fungi belonging to Clavicipitaceae were phylogenetically analyzed on the basis of the 18S rRNA gene and mating-type genes (MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1). The phylogenies of the mating-type genes yielded better resolutions than that of 18S rRNA gene. Entomopathogens (Cordyceps bassiana, Cordyceps brongniartii, Cordyceps militaris, Cordyceps sinclairii, Cordyceps takaomontana, Isaria cateniannulata, Isaria farinosa, Isaria fumosorosea, Isaria javanica, Lecanicillium muscarium and Torrubiella flava) were considered as a phylogenetically defined group, and were closely related to mycopathogens (Lecanicillium psalliotae and Verticillium fungicola). They located at more descendant positions in the mating-type trees than other fungi, and lacked the mating-type gene MAT1-1-3. The deletion of MAT1-1-3 was supposed to have occurred once in Clavicipitaceae, and a good indication for the evolution of Clavicipitaceae. Other entomopathogens (Cordyceps cylindrica, Cordyceps subsessilis, Metarhizium anisopliae and Nomuraea rileyi) and pathogens of plants, nematodes and slime molds, were relatively related to each other, and possessed MAT1-1-3, but were supposed to be heterogeneous. Root-associated fungi did not form any clade with other species.

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