
The family Halictidae includes four subfamilies, Halictinae, Nomioidinae, Nomiinae and Rophitinae, apparently monophyletic. Systropha Illiger is the most diverse genus in Rophitinae (the Holartic genus Dufourea excluded). Several unique morphological, biogeographical and ecological features characterise the species within this taxon raising its interest for evolutionary studies. Now, to date there has been no extensive revision of the genus. The present work aims to alleviate this lack. In the first part, the authors propose an exhaustive catalogue, including the synonymy of the 26 described species. The last described species, Systropha heinzi Dubitzky 2004 syn. nov. is proposed as a junior synonym of S. kazakhstaniensis Patiny 2004, described one day earlier. The next parts of the study include a comprehensive key for the World species and the analysis of the species phylogeny based on 34 morphological characters. Converging with the conclusions of several former studies, this analysis points out the existence of 3 clades within the genus. These latter are described as 3 subgenera: S. (Systropha) Illiger 1806, S. (Systrophidia) Cockerell 1936 and S. (Austrosystropha) n. sg. Lastly, distribution and floral choices of taxa are specified.

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