
Abstract Bibarba parvoculus, a depigmented and small-eyed, spined loach, is endemic to a karst cave in southern China. Both mitochondrial Cytb and nuclear RAG1 gene analyses indicate that B. parvoculus and its only surface congener, B. bibarba, form the basal-most lineage in the so-called Northern Clade of Cobitidae. Genetic divergence for Cytb is 10.3 % between B. parvoculus and B. bibarba. A duplication of the lamina circularis on the second and third pectoral rays occurs in male Bibarba species. The osteology of the two species is illustrated and compared using X-ray microtomography. Bibarba parvoculus has higher vertebral counts, a broader anterior part of the frontal bone at the orbital region and decreased sexual dimorphism when compared with B. bibarba. The coracoid, mesocoracoid and scapula are stouter in males of both species, but the three bones are autogenous in B. parvoculus, while fused with the cleithrum in B. bibarba. Specific differentiation of B. parvoculus is corroborated by both molecular and morphological evidence. The split between the two species is estimated to have occurred in the Early Miocene.

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