
The mammalian liver has a structural and functional unit called the liver lobule, in the periphery of which the portal triad consisting of the portal vein, bile duct and hepatic artery is developed. This type of hepatic architecture is detectable in many other vertebrates, including amphibians and birds, whereas intrahepatic bile ducts run independently of portal vein distribution in actinopterygians such as the salmon and tilapia. It remains to be clarified how the hepatic architectures are phylogenetically developed among vertebrates. The present study morphologically and immunohistochemically analyzed the hepatic structures of various vertebrates, including as many classes and subclasses as possible, with reference to intrahepatic bile duct distribution. The livers of vertebrates belonging to the Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Amphibia, Aves, Mammalia, and Actinopterygii before Elopomorpha, had the portal triad-type architecture. The Anguilliformes livers developed both periportal bile ducts and non-periportal bile ducts. The Otocephala and Euteleostei livers had independent configuration of bile ducts and portal veins. Pancreatic tissues penetrated the liver parenchyma along portal veins in the Euteleostei. The liver of the lungfish, which shares the same origin with amphibians, did not have the portal triad-type architecture. Teleostei and lungfish livers had ductular development in the liver parenchyma similar to oval cell proliferation in injured mammalian livers. Euteleostei livers had penetration of significant numbers of independent portal veins from their intestines, suggesting that each liver lobe might receive a different blood supply. The hepatic architectures of the portal triad-type changed to non-portal triad-type architecture along the evolution of the Actinopterygii. The hepatic architecture of the lungfish resembles that of the Actinopterygii after Elopomorpha in intrahepatic biliary configuration, which may be an example of convergent evolution.

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