
To report a case of phthisis bulbi resulting from late congenital syphilis untreated until adulthood. Observational case report. We report clinical and laboratory evaluations of a 43-year-old woman who presented with a palpebral ulcer of the right eye. The patient had a gummatous palpebral ulcer and a phthisis bulbi in the right eye and a gumma on the left eyelid. A silent interstitial keratitis of the left eye was detected. The patient had hearing loss in the right ear, her nose was missing, and her right leg had been amputated. Treponemal pallidum hemagglutination (TPHA) test was positive. Although we administered intensive oral penicillin, the clinical symptoms of the patient did not improve. This is a rare case of phthisis bulbi resulting from late congenital syphilis. We emphasize that treatment for late congenital syphilis must be carried out early and completely.

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