
There are a number of important reasons for this in this paper: firstly, it is well known that the role of English phrasal units has increased dramatically in recent years. This is evidenced by the recent appearance in the UK of a series of dictionaries and exercise books dedicated to them, with a particular focus on the so-called phrasal verbs which play an indispensable role in modern English. Secondly, they are typical of the English language and have a type of verbal expression which must be understood in order to master the English language. Phrase units are also one of the most challenging issues in the learning process. There are currently many methods and approaches in this area. The object of the study is to select phrasal expressions in English and Russian, examine the role of phrasal units in language and the use of phrasal units, analyze the equivalence of phrasal words, consider types of phrases and the concept of phrase system, and demonstrate how phrases occur in English. As a linguistic discipline, the subject of phraseology also includes a comprehensive study of the phraseological resources of a particular language. Important aspects of this scientific study are the stability of phraseological units, the semantic structure of systemic phraseological units and phraseological units, their origin and main functions. An equally interesting issue is the translation of phraseological units. Because of the indivisibility of meanings, phraseology requires the selection of identical idioms in one's language in order to understand their meaning.

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