
Features of phraseologisms in the Language for Special Purposes and their role as markers for the professional subculture of the aviation community are reflected in the paper. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to study the semantic and functional specifics of the phraseology of the aviation thesaurus. In contrast to existing researches of Aviation English, the linguistic and social analysis role of phraseology in international communication with the organization of professional activities is proposed. Shying away a danger to repeat the already studied aspects of the problem of professional communication, our aim is to highlight the specifics of standard phraseologisms as a form of commands verbalization in the field of aviation communication. The study is based on the theoretical provisitions of the mutual condition for language, culture and thinking in the works by V.V. von Humboldt, Sepir E. and phraseology by Balli Sh, and on the materials of foreign researchers on the practice of aviation phraseology as well. The paper opens the semantic difference between special and commonly phraseoligisms. The functional unambiguity of special phrases in Aviation English is substantiated by conventionality and a common for communicators logical way for comprehending reality. In the paper is emphasized the danger of using a non-standard phraseologisms and non-logical judgment forms. Promoting an idea of a need for the complex and professional competence of an aviation specialist. The result of the done researches is outputs about its own phraseology justified formation by every professional community with a clearly defined function of the activities regulation of multilanguage speakers, who are united by the activity character, ways of thinking and a professional subculture.The provisions, which are mentioned in the conclusions of our study, define as a promising direction for further development so a problem of forming the communicative competence of a perspective aviation specialist. Keywords: aviation English; English for Specific Purposes; English for General Purposes; phraseolism; subculture.

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