
Photovoltaic (PV) modules play a major role in the development and increase of renewable energy contribution to fulfill the increased worldwide energy demand and the need to shift towards clean energy with low carbon emissions. Since the generated electric energy by PV cells drop when the panel surface temperature exceeds an optimum temperature. Therefore, having a cooling system that maintains the PV surface temperature at a moderate temperature will increase the produced electric energy by the PV system and reduces carbon emissions to the environment. This paper provides a study on using passive water-cooling to enhance the PV power output. The cooling system consists of a clay pot filled with water that is cooled utilizing an evaporative effect. The cold water from the clay pot naturally circulated by means of the thermosiphon effect through a water jacket shaped at the PV panel backside surface. Heat Dissipated from the PV panel keeps the panel surface temperature at the optimum temperature and hence improves the PV panel efficiency. Results of this investigation achieved a 10% improvement in the average overall PV panel efficiency.

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