
Fluence-response relationships were examined for positive and negative phototropism induced by blue (450 nm) and ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280 nm) light, respectively, in the Pilobolus crystallinus sporangiophore. Fluence-response curves for both blue and UV-B light obtained by changing the fluence by varying exposure time only showed the classical first and second positive bending. However, fluence-response curves obtained by varying the fluence rate were bell-shaped irrespective of the length of the exposure time. With increasing exposure time the peak became higher along the ascendant arm and the descendant arm was shifted toward the higher fluence. The Bunsen-Roscoe reciprocity law was valid only when the fluence was less than approx. 400 pmol·m(-2) for both blue and UV-B light. Because the shapes of the fluence-response curves for blue and UV-B light were nearly the same, the photoreceptor systems for both blue and UV-B light are considered to be the same.

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