
AbstractWe theoretically investigated the photothermally and optomechanically induced transparency (PTIT and OMIT) in an optomechanical system filled with quantum dots (QDs). In our proposed system, the right mechanical resonator couples with the optical cavity via radiation pressure, and the left mechanical resonator couples with the optical cavity through the photothermal effects. The system is driven by a strong pump field and a weak probe field. It is shown that double transparency windows can be observed due to PTIT and OMIT. When considering the Jaynes‐Cummings coupling between the QDs and the optical cavity, three transparency windows are observed. We also show that the PTIT can be adjusted by the OMIT and the QDs in the optical cavity. What is more, the coupling strength and the frequency detuning can be used effectively to change the system absorption and dispersion in the PITT transparency window. This indicates that the group delay of the probe light can also be manipulated by the system parameters. The obtained results may be applied in the optical communication such as optical buffer, and so forth.

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