
We report on a light-triggered process at which repulsive interactions between microparticles with a polyelectrolyte (PE) brush coating can be remotely controlled. The spherical polyelectrolyte brushes are loaded with photosensitive azobenzene containing surfactant which can undergo reversible photo-isomerization from trans to cis state. The surfactant hydrophilicity is altered by illumination with light of an appropriate wavelength, at which a dynamic exchange of the more surface-active trans isomer in comparison to the more water soluble cis isomer with the PE brush generates a concentration gradient of the cis isomers near a solid surface where the particle is sedimented. In this way, each spherical brush produces its local lateral diffusioosmotic flow pointing outside in a radial direction resulting in mutual long-range repulsive interactions. We demonstrate that a PE layer has a higher tendency to absorb surfactant in comparison to plain silica particles, yielding a larger flow strength. This correlation holds true up to a critical intensity, where the dynamic exchange is adsorption limited with respect to trans isomers and especially pronounced for the PE-coated particles.

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