
Nine eyes underwent superficial ablation with excimer laser for treatment of compound myopic astigmatism. In eight of the eyes, corneal cylinder was naturally-occurring, and in one eye the astigmatism had developed following retinal detachment surgery. All patients have been followed for 9 months. The pre- and postoperative cylinder was -2.7 +/- 0.4 diopters and -1.3 +/- 0.4 diopters, respectively, while the pre- and postoperative spherical equivalent was -4.7 +/- 0.4 diopters and -1.3 +/- 0.4 diopters, respectively. Uncorrected acuity improved from a preoperative mean of 20/300 to a postoperative mean of 20/40. Patients with a residual refractive error often demonstrated reasonably good unaided acuity. Toric ablations with the excimer laser can be performed at the same time as ablations for myopia, and appear to represent a promising strategy for correction of compound myopic astigmatism; the relative safety and efficacy of this procedure, and of combined radial and astigmatic keratotomy remain to be determined.

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