
A study was made of photoperiodic induction of the facultative pupal diapause in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, reared on artificial diet in the laboratory. The species entered a prolonged diapause when the egg and larval feeding stages were reared in daily photoperiods of 13·5 hr or less. Diapause was induced in all insects at photoperiods ranging from 1 to 13 hr, and part of the population entered diapause at only 15 to 30 min of light per day. Photoperiods of 14 hr or more and continous darkness prevented diapause. Duration of diapause varied with the inductive photoperiod in which the hornworms were reared during the sensitive period. Insects reared in longer diapause-inducing photoperiods within a range of 12 to 13·25 hr remained in diapause longer than those reared in shorter photoperiods. There was no difference in the rate of larval development of hornworms reared in diapause-inducing vs diapause-preventing photoperiods. Temperatures of 26 to 30°C were most favourable for the photoperiodic induction of diapause; at 21°C, the critical photoperiod and incidence of diapause were decreased. Diapause induction was suppressed by low (18°C) and higher (33°C) temperatures. The number of inductive 12L:12D (light = 12 hr; dark = 12 hr) cycles required to induce diapause ranged from as few as 5 for some insects to as many as 12 for others when the post-inductive régimen was continuous light, but with insects previously held in continuous dark, as few as 2 12L:12D cycles during the last 2 days of larval feeding induced diapause in 38 per cent of the population. Only 3 to 4 cycles of 15L:9D during the final larval instar reversed inductive effects of 14 to 15 12L:12D cycles. Photoperiodic sensitivity extended from the late embryo to the end of larval feeding but showed considerable fluctuation during development with maximum sensitivity occurring just before egg hatch and during larval growth. Light breaks applied at different times during the dark period of 12L:12D cycles generated different response curves, depending on the number of cycles in which light breaks were repeated. When repeated for 6 cycles, a unimodal response curve was obtained; 10 cycles produced a bimodal curve and light breaks given for 18 cycles throughout the sensitive period averted diapause regardless of time of night applied. It is suggested that diapause is regulated by a photo- and thermolabile substance that accumulates during long nights (11 hr or more) and acts during the early pupal stage to inhibit the translocation and release of development-promoting neurosecretion from the brain.

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