
The first realistically photon-like Schrodinger solution of Maxwell's classical equations in dispersive media is presented. Classical modes of transverse electric or transverse magnetic fields with angular frequency ω propagating along an axis are shown to be able to be enveloped with counter-rotating helical modulations which have a different angular frequency Ω. These helical rotations, called distributed spin rotations, propagate at the group velocity. The formation of a completely closed packet of electromagnetic energy requires that the axial fields and transverse fields have a common axial length of envelope. This forces Ω to take quantized values in terms of ω with Ω related to the Schrodinger frequencies of a harmonic oscillator. The spin rotations permit flexible transverse confinement allowing for localization of the photon wave-packet over different spatial areas. It is argued that the energy of this packet is not related to its volume but depends on the quantized helical frequency Ω. Such photon-like packets possess classical phase and group velocities in keeping with experimental evidence. A single photon-like packet does not disperse in dispersive media. Incrementing or decrementing the rate of helical rotation promotes or demotes the packet energy in keeping with standard photon theory. The model offers explanations for self-interference and entanglement.

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