
As part of a project to better characterize comparatively bright, yet little studied cataclysmic variables time resolved photometry of the three eclipsing novalike variables EC 21178-5417, GS Pav und V345 Pav is presented. Previously known orbital periods are significantly improved and long-term ephemeris are derived. Variations of eclipse profiles, occurring on time scales of days to weeks, are analyzed. Out of eclipse the light curves are characterized by low scale flickering superposed on more gradual variations with amplitudes limited to a few tenths of a magnitude and profiles which at least in EC 21178-5417 and GS Pav roughly follow the same pattern in all observed cycles. Additionally, signs for variations on the time scale of some tens of minutes are seen in GS Pav, most clearly in two subsequent nights when in the first of these a signal with a period of 15.7 min was observed over several hours. In the second night variations with twice this period were seen. While no additional insight could be gained on quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) and dwarf nova oscillations in EC 21178-5417, previously detected by Warner et al. (2003), and while such oscillations could not be found in V345 Pav, stacked power spectra of GS Pav clearly reveal the presence of QPOs over time intervals of several hours with periods varying between 200 s and 500 s in that system.

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