
Samples of n-type CdGeAs2 were produced by intentional doping with indium, selenium, or telluriumimpurities. A near-edge photoluminescence (PL) band from heavily In-dopedCdGeAs2 samples shifts to higher energy and becomes broader with increasing electronconcentration. The observed shifts in peak energies are compared to predictions fordonor–acceptor pair and free-to-bound (electron–acceptor) recombinations including bandfilling, band tailing, and band gap shrinkage effects due to the high doping levels. Forn>2 × 1018 cm−3, the free-to-bound PL transition related to a shallow 120 meV acceptor level isdominant. A lower energy PL band due to deep acceptors and normally seenfor p-type samples is the only emission observed from less n-type samples(n∼1016–1017 cm−3) doped with indium, selenium, or tellurium impurities. Transitions involvingthe deep acceptor level are not present in the PL for heavily In-dopedCdGeAs2 crystals, which suggests that the deep acceptor may be a Cd vacancy.

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