
Every year, more and more discoveries of photoluminescence in different mammal species are made. The more recent cases thus far have been in duck-billed platypus (Ornithorhyncus anatinus), New World squirrels (Glaucomys spp.) and springhare (Pedetidae). Now we can add another species to the list: the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), an endemic rodent to Europe, currently categorized as Near Threatened (NT) by the IUCN. The fluorescence was described and compared qualitatively in museum specimens, deceased and hibernating animals. The feet and nose of the hibernating dormouse displayed greenish-blue photoluminescence under UV light through a yellow filter, whereas the fur was bright red. The live animal had more vivid red colouring than the museum specimen. The fading and changing of the colour and brightness of photoluminescence was observed in a recently deceased animal and even more strongly in museum specimens.

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