
Photoionization and dissociative photoionization of acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) in the 10.0-13.7 eV energy range are studied by using synchrotron radiation double imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy (i2PEPICO). The X2A' and A2A" electronic states of CH3CHO+ as well as the Franck-Condon gap region between these two states have been populated with several vibrational sequences and assigned in the high-resolution slow photoelectron spectrum (SPES). The adiabatic ionization energies (AIEs) of the X2A' and A2A" states are measured at 10.228±0.006 and 12.52±0.05 eV, respectively. The present results show that the X2A' state is a stable state while the A2A" state is fully dissociative to produce CH3CO+, CHO+ and CH4 + fragment ions. The 0 K appearance energies (AE0K) of CH3CO+ and CHO+ fragment ions are determined through the modeling of the breakdown diagram, i. e., AE0K(CH3CO+)=10.89±0.01 eV (including a reverse barrier of ~0.19 eV) and AE0K(CHO+)=11.54±0.05 eV. In addition, the dissociation mechanisms of CH3CHO+ including statistical dissociation, direct bond breaking and isomerization are discussed with the support of the calculated dissociation limits and transition state energies.

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