
Abstract Effects of Pi deficiency on photosynthesis ot isolated spinach chloroplasts were examined. The following observations were made: (1) Chloroplasts isolated in Pi-free media evolved oxygen in the light in the absence of added Pi until acid-extractable Pi in the chloroplasts had decreased to 1 to 2.5 m M . This Pi was unavailable for photophosphorylation as shown by the inability of the chloroplasts to respond by oxygen evolution to the addition of PGA. In the state of Pi-deficiency, stromal ATP to A DP ratios were in the light close to or below ratios observed in the dark. In the presence of 2 mᴍ PGA, addition of 20 μm Pi was insufficient to increase ATP to ADP ratios, but sufficient for appreciable oxygen evolution. (2) More Pi was available for oxygen evolution of phosphate-deficient chloroplasts at low levels of C02 than at high levels. This was due mainly to the suppression of oxygenation of RuBP by high C02 levels which prevented formation of phosphoglycolate and the subsequent release of Pi into the chloroplast stroma. (3) More oxygen was produced by phosphate-deficient chloroplasts at a low light intensity than at a high light intensity. This was due to increased availability of endogenous Pi under low light and to photoinhibition of the chloroplasts by high light. The main product of photosynthesis of phosphate-deficient chloroplasts in the presence of a high bicarbonate concentration was starch, and the main soluble product was PGA. (4) After phosphate-deficient chloroplasts had ceased to evolve oxygen in the light, they be­ came photosensitive. Part of the loss of the capacity for oxygen evolution is attributed to leakage of PGA, but the main reason for loss of function is photoinactivation of electron transport. Both photosystems of the electron transport chain were damaged by light. (5) Protection against photoinactivation was provided by coupled electron transport. Photo­ inactivation of phosphate-deficient chloroplasts was less extensive in the presence of low C02 concentrations which permitted oxygenation of RuBP than at high CO2 concentrations. Electron transport to C02 and other physiological electron acceptors and to the herbicide methylviologen was also protective. However, electron transport to oxygen in the Mehler reaction failed to provide appreciable protection against high light intensities, because oxygen reduction is slow and reactive oxygen species produced in the light contribute to photoinactivation.

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