
Detailed measurements of photoinduced fluidity in Ge-Se glasses were performed using a novel shear relaxation test in torsion mode. It is shown that photofluidity is significant even at a very low intensity and that there is no apparent threshold for activating the photostructural processes. Instead, the mechanism of photofluidity is described as a cumulative process involving photoinduced motions of every atom within the irradiated volume. Based on this assumption, a model is proposed, which is shown to accurately predict the power and wavelength dependence of photofluidity using a single fitting parameter $n$. The factor $n$ represents the photon efficiency for inducing an atomic motion. Photofluidity experiments performed on glass fibers of various mean coordination number indicate that the process is rapidly reduced in overconstrained glasses. The values of $n$ obtained for these glasses correlate remarkably well with the mean coordination dependence of other photostructural changes (photodarkening, photoexpansion). This indicates that the model is physically sound. Moreover, the model is shown to quantitatively describe photofluidity data from other glass systems from literature, therefore suggesting that it could be universally applied to all chalcogenide glasses.

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