
The dual channel photometer is mounted on the tailpiece of the 32-in.f/16 reflector at McCormick Observatory’s Fan Mountain Station. A 50-50 beam splitting mirror distributes the light to two EMI 6256 S/A photomultipliers. A focal plane diaphragm admits an area of sky of 100 sec2 of arc, and UBV or narrow-band filters are used to isolate spectral regions. The photoelectrons are fed through preamplifiers and amplifiers to a specially designed integrated-circuit photon counting instrument. The preamplifiers are attached as closely as possible to the photomultiplier anodes, while the remaining circuits are housed separately. A Sony TC-200 stereo tape recorder is used to record the output signal from the counter, and an oscilloscope is used for real-time monitoring of the counter operation during occultations.

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