
This describes a case of an immunocompromised patient with persistent oral candidiasis and mucositis treated with photodynamic therapy (PDT). A male patient, 59 years old, after removal of oral squamous cell carcinoma, days after radiotherapy (2 Gy daily for 5 weeks) presented with yellowish-white injuries across the oral mucosa, removable plates with erythematous adhesion surface, burning mouth, and loss of taste. Exfoliative cytology proved the fungal infection. There was no remission with local and systemic antifungal drugs for 14 days, so photodynamic therapy was used in 2 interleaved sessions, associating a 0.05% methylene blue solution with red laser, 660 nm, 90 J/cm2. Twenty-four hours after the second session, without association with antifungal drugs, clinical remission of candidiasis could be observed and cytological aspect revealed the disappearance of hyphae. The patient was monitored for 30 days, 3 times a week during laser therapy sessions to treat oral mucositis, showing no signs of fungal reinfection.

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