
A photodissociation experiment of (R)-3-bromocamphor was carried out by the hexapole orientation technique by (2 + 1) REMPI detection at about 234 nm. The atomic bromine products in excited state (Br 2P1/2) and in ground state (Br 2P3/2) were observed by the velocity map imaging. The anisotropy parameters of Br (2P1/2) and Br (2P3/2) were obtained as 0.75 ± 0.04 and 0.48 ± 0.03, respectively. In addition, we also successfully controlled (R)-3-bromocamphor, the bulky and asymmetric bio-molecule’s, spatial orientation using the electrostatic hexapole. The orientational distribution was derived and its orientation efficiency was estimated as |<cos θ>|=0.35. We carried out a slice imaging experiment with the spatially oriented parent molecules to study the photodissociation dynamics of (R)-3-bromocamphor. The angular analysis of the obtained slice images suggests fast axial recoiling of the bromine atomic fragments and comparable contributions from the multiple upper states involved in A-band excitation, which results in the relatively isotropic angular distributions.

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