
Steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopies were employed to study the photodissociation of both the neutral (HS-CH(2)-COOH) and doubly deprotonated ((-)S-CH(2)-COO(-)) forms of thioglycolic acid (TGA), a common surface-passivating ligand used in the aqueous synthesis and organization of semiconducting nanostructures. Room temperature UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy indicated strong absorption by the S(1) and S(2) excited states at 250 nm and 185 nm, respectively. The spectrum also contained a weaker absorption band that extended to approximately 550 nm, which was assigned to the π(CO) (*)←n(O) transition. Femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy was performed on TGA using 400 nm excitation and a white-light continuum probe to provide the temporally and spectrally resolved data. Both forms of TGA underwent a photoinduced dissociation from the excited state to form an α-thiol-substituted acyl radical (α-TAR, S-CH(2)-CO(●)). For the acidic form of TGA, radical formation occurred with an apparent time constant of 60 ± 5 fs; subsequent unimolecular decay took 400 ± 60 fs. Similar kinetics were observed for the deprotonated form of TGA (70 ± 10 fs radical formation; 420 ± 40 fs decay). The production of the α-TAR was corroborated by the observation of its characteristic optical absorption. Time-resolved data indicated that the photoinduced dissociation of TGA via cleavage of the C-OH bond occurred rapidly (≤100 fs). The prevalence of TGA in aqueous semiconducting nanoparticles makes its absorption in the visible spectral region and subsequent dissociation key to understanding the behavior of nanoscale systems.

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