
The H-atom photodissociationreaction from the pyridinyl radical (C5H5NH) via the low-lying πσ* excited electronic state is investigated by nonadiabatic time-dependent quantum wave-packet dynamics calculations. A model comprising three electronic states and three nuclear coordinates has been constructed using ab initio multi-configurational self-consistent-field and multi-reference perturbation theory methods. Two conical intersections among the three lowest electronic states have been characterized in the framework of the linear vibronic-coupling model. Time-dependent wave-packet simulations have been performed using the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree method. The population dynamics of the diabatic and adiabatic electronic states and the time-dependent dissociation behavior are analyzed for various vibrational initial conditions. The results provide detailed mechanistic insight into the photoinduced H-atom dissociation process from a hypervalent aromatic radical and show that an efficient dissociationreaction through two conical intersections is possible.

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