
The photodissociation dynamics of O2, O2 + hυ → O((3)P) + O(2p(3)((4)S)3s, (3)S/(5)S), has been studied by combining the XUV laser pump / UV laser probe and velocity map imaging methods in the photon energy range 14.64-15.20 eV. The fragment yield spectra of O((3)S) and O((5)S) and their velocity map images have been recorded using the state-selective (1+1) REMPI method to detect the fragments. The fragment yield spectra show resolved fine structure that arises from the predissociated Rydberg states I, I' and I″ ((3)Π(Ω = 0,1,2)). The branching ratios between the two decay channels have been measured by one-photon ionization of the fragments O((3)S) and O((5)S) simultaneously. It is surprising to find that the dissociation cross sections for the production of O((5)S) are larger than, or comparable to, those of O((3)S) for the I and I' states, while the cross sections for the production of O((5)S) are smaller than those of O((3)S) for the I″ state. All fragments O((5)S) arise from perpendicular transitions, which provides direct experimental evidence about the symmetry assignments of the states I, I' and I″ excited in this energy region. Although most of the fragments O((3)S) arise from perpendicular transitions, some of them are from parallel transitions. Based on the calculated ab initio potential energy curves, we propose that the neutral dissociation into O((3)P) + O((3)S) occurs mainly via the interaction of the Rydberg states I, I', and I″ with the vibrational continuum of the diabatic 8(3)Π(u) state (1π(u)⁻¹(a⁴Π(u))3sσ(g), ³Π(u)), while the neutral dissociation into O((3)P) + O((5)S) occurs mainly via the interaction of Rydberg states I, I', and I″ with the diabatic 7(3)Π(u) (1π(g)⁻¹(X²Π(g))3pσ(u), ³Π(u)).

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