
AbstractCinnamic acid moieties were incorporated into amphiphilic compounds containing one and two alkyl chains. These lipid‐like compounds with photoreactive units undergo self‐organization to form monolayers at the gas‐water interface and bilayer structures (vesicles) in aqueous solutions. The photoreaction of the cinnamic acid moiety induced by 254 nm UV light was investigated in the crystalline state, in monolayers, in vesicles and in solution in organic solvents. The single‐chain amphiphiles undergo dimerization to yield photoproducts with twice the molecular weight of the corresponding monomers in organized systems. The photoreaction of amphiphiles containing two cinnamic acid groups occurs via two mechanisms: The intramolecular dimerization produces bicycles, with retention of the molecular weight of the corresponding monomer. The intermolecular reaction leads to oligomeric and polymeric photoproducts. In contrast to the single‐chain amphiphiles, photodimerization processes of lipoids containing two cinnamic acid moieties also occur in solution in organic solvents.

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