
We present detailed measurements of photoconductivity as functions of illumination power and temperature on metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors made of low-temperature GaAs grown at different temperatures (225–350 °C). The extracted carrier lifetimes show the expected dependence as a function of growth temperature. Additionally, our experiments show an order-of-magnitude variation of the extracted lifetimes as functions of measurement temperature and illumination intensity. We propose a simple model based on the one-center-Shockley Read-recombination equation which gives good qualitative agreement over the whole range of temperature (20–120 °C) and illumination power (2×10−4 to 20 W/cm2). We show that the recombination properties are determined by the exact position of the electronic quasi-Fermi level in the partially filled midgap donor band, which is strongly influenced by the acceptor concentration.

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